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Life coaching

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Whatever the context, my approach to 1:1 coaching is to create a safe space for you to pause and tune in to yourself. So you can reflect deeply about what is meaningful to you and get clarity on what change you want to make in your life.


I offer a non-judgemental mirror so you can see yourself more clearly, without all the distortions or limitations shaped by your history and experiences.


Together, we will explore what really makes sense and matters to you, and help you find the answers within.


I typically work in sets of 6 x 1h sessions over 3-4 months (one session every 2 to 3 weeks), to give a realistic frame for what you want to achieve over that period.

Sets can then be renewed as required. 


I offer coaching online, in English or French.


My fees vary depending on the context (individual vs organisational coaching, length of sessions, online or face to face, new leaders vs executive coaching).

So please contact me for details.


Leadership coaching

People often confuse leadership with authority or power, when really it is about influence. Each of us has an influence on people around us, so in that sense, we are all leaders. But some have more influence than others or assume that role more willingly than others.


So the question is: what kind of leader do you want to be? Can you be an inspiring and wholesome leader and still achieve personal fulfilment and balance? 


Great leadership requires a clear vision, integrity, courage, empathy and humility.

Whatever it is you want to strengthen or achieve, I can work at all levels to help you uncover the authentic leader in you.

Glass Ceiling Leadership Development Coaching
Life coaching
Work life balance Finding meaning in life

There is an inherent calling in all human beings to evolve and create - to thrive rather than survive. And this can manifest itself in all areas of life: work, family, relationships. When this process of personal development gets frustrated, we suffer – we get stressed or depressed, overwhelmed or exhausted.


Psychosynthesis coaching is essentially a way to consciously cooperate with this natural tendency towards growth and self-actualisation.


Whatever you are reaching for, I will act as your guide to help you explore what is really calling you and help you stay on the path towards transformation and authentic self-expression.

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