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Embark on a journey of personal transformation and unleash your true potential

Do you often feel...


Seeking change but       feeling stuck?



Break free from repeating patterns and achieve the life you desire.


Do you feel a sense of emptiness despite success?



Uncover the missing piece to personal fulfillment.




Are you surviving rather than thriving?



Learn to balance ambition with well-being to thrive in your personal and professional life.



I used to...

I kept looking for things on the outside, to ease the disconnect and discontent I felt on the inside. I was near a breaking point -- desperately longing for a change, for something else but I didn't know what.


Years later, I stand as a testament to the power of internal change, living a life infused with vitality and meaning. My transition to become a life and professional coach was fueled by this personal evolution, driven by a desire to inspire and empower others to find their own fulfillment and cultivate the best version of themselves.


With my background in Psychosynthesis and decades of leadership at a global pharmaceutical company, I bring a rich blend of psychological insight and practical wisdom to my coaching. I offer a holistic approach to fostering growth, self-discovery and meaningful transformation.


As a psychologist and coach, I guide people in finding their own wisdom within, creating a unique pathway to a vibrant and purposeful life.


Are you ready to live the life you really want ?

Personal Coaching

My clients come to me for a variety of reasons: lack of confidence, "impostor syndrome", navigating change, managing boundaries, changing career direction, motivation/meaning, emotional mastery, authenticity and more.


Although if you think about it, it is the same reason --

 they want something to change!

Leadership Development

Empowering mid-career clients to elevate their leadership skills, our program addresses challenges such as strategic thinking, influence, team dynamics, and effective communication, guiding them towards impactful organizational change and personal growth

Webinars & Workshops

Designed to empower mid-career women on their journey to personal and professional fulfillment.

Explore themes like impostor syndrome, healthy boundaries, and letting go of perfectionism.

Here's what to expect...

Looking at the View

(Learning Professional, GSK)

It’s hard for me to put into words how valuable my coaching was with Nathalie. I grew more, being gentle to myself, and learned where to spend my time, energy, and focus.


(President, 360X)

Nathalie's style is very thoughtful and attentive. She asks very insightful questions that did a great job of navigating me through to the core issues. I grew immensely from our exchanges.


(Future Leader Graduate, GSK)

The experience was really enlightening, giving me time to dig deeper on what I want for the future, who I am and where that comes from.


Thank you so much Nathalie, I couldn't have done it without you!

Are you ready to take that first step?

Go ahead and get in touch!


You can contact us via the adjacent form or email us at


Or, go ahead and book your free discovery call now to explore how we might work together.

Thanks for submitting!

Spiral Staircase

"Just because you can’t see the whole stairway,doesn’t mean you don’t take the first step."

Martin Luther King Jr

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